Halloween in Antarctica

Its funny how enormously wrong I was in my expectations of The Thing upon release in 1982.  I was 15.  I had seen the original 1951 movie on TV.  Then I saw the ad for the remake and heard it was being directed by the guy who made Halloween.  I was like, "Oh great, that's perfect.  The original monster was in many ways a lot like Michael Meyers, an unthinking unfeeling lunatic killing people seemingly without purpose." So he was the perfect choice, and its just gonna be 'Halloween in Antarctica'.  Plus the mad slasher craze was pretty  much still in effect in 1982. I had only seen Halloween and The Fog at that time, so I was absolutely expecting The Thing to be like those, with a man like Meyers, (or a ship of ghosts), stalking about.  Plus the poster just shows a very Meyers-looking monster-dude - it so seemed it would be a lot like Halloween - Michael Meyers in Antarctica. By all accounts in the advertising, and knowing about Halloween, I was certain that he would emulate James Arness in the original and turn him into a Michael Myers type of stalker going around the Antarctica compound (like Haddonfield).
A look back at the weird, wild Halloween franchise, 40 years after ...
Its the most wrong I've ever been in my life!  I was so shocked and stunned with the effects when I left the theater in how my expectations were so vastly different.
What a lesson to be learned that you can't judge a book (movie poster) by its cover, and you can't expect a filmmaker to remain the same and never leave their box.  Carpenter just blew my mind with The Thing.  Of course, I then watched Escape From New York on HBO soon after, and became a solidified John Carpenter fan for life.


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